Teak is a tropical hardwood with a beautiful golden /honey brown colour when it is new. Over time, as natural teak is exposed to the elements, it gradually changes colour from the honey colour of new teak to a silver-gray patina which distinguishes finely aged, outdoor teak. After a while this silver-gray patina deteriorates to a dark-gray and greenish look if it remains untreated. Depending on the environment, natural graying and/or weathering may become noticeable after only a few weeks. In drier climates teak will take several months to weather. If teak is exposed to infrequent moisture, the colour will fade slowly with minor discolouration. In moist climates, where furniture is subjected to regular dew and sunshine, teak furniture will weather more quickly.
This depends on the colour that you prefer in your teak furniture. If you prefer the silver-gray, we recommend the Teak Shield. If you prefer the golden /honey brown of new teak, use Teak Protector.
If you would like to restore the colour to the natural silver use Teak Cleaner to clean and brighten the wood. Afterwards apply the Teak Shield to preserve the silver- gray colour. If you prefer the colour of new teak, use Teak Cleaner first to restore the colour and apply the Teak Protector to preserve the colour.
Yes. Soon after application our products will be dry and will protect the furniture from sun, rain and snow.
No. However, we recommend treatment prior to winter storage and at the beginning of the season when it is put to regular use.
TopTo clean your teak, simply use Golden Teak Cleaner, which is specifically designed to kill mould and mildew spores inside teak. Simply follow the directions on the bottle and the colour will be restored. Since cleaning teak takes some time and effort, we recommend using Golden Teak Protector or Shield before weathering takes effect again.
Although it may look rough and weathered, teak has enough natural teak oil inside to keep it protected from rot. Simply put, rough teak is a cosmetic problem, not a maintenance problem. If you prefer a completely smooth surface we advice hand sanding your teak with very fine sandpaper. Power sanding generates extra heat that can create black marks on your teak. After sanding, use a dry, rough cleaning sponge to remove any remaining sawdust.
Golden Teak Cleaner removes the oil and/or dirt from the wood, making the wood evenly pale-brown. The teak may be subsequently treated with Golden Teak Protector or Shield depending on your colour preference. It is important that Golden Teak Protector is never applied directly to oiled teak, because it will result in a very poor finish.
Golden Teak cleaner may affect grass, plants and some types of pavements. We recommend covering the work area with a disposable piece of plastic. Some other brands sell two products for cleaning teakwood; a teak cleaner and a teak brightener.
Because Golden Teak Cleaner contains both cleaning and brightening ingredients, the two-step process can be reduced to one step, saving time and money.
Black spots are typically caused by humidity in the wood that is developing into mould or mildew. This can be remedied by cleaning the dark spots with Golden Teak Cleaner. Alternatively, the spots can be sanded by hand and then cleaned. To prevent this from happening again, use Golden Teak Protector after the cleaning step.
Product testing has shown that treating teak can lead to different results depending on environmental conditions and the age and density of teak. Golden Teak Protector performed substantially better on 60 year-old teak than 25 year- old teak. Fortunately, the warm honey colour of teak can be easily maintained by applying regular coats of Golden Teak Protector. The condition of the teak and the environment in which the teak is used will dictate the frequency of the reapplication. It is important to apply the protector before the teak becomes gray since preventing the graying results in less work than restoring the teak with teak cleaner. Golden Teak Protector should be used when the teak furniture starts to turn pale.
TopGolden Teak Protector is a modern treatment for teak that is easy to apply and lasts a long time. The treatment protects your teak and helps teak look great because it helps teak retain the natural warm colour of teak. Golden Teak Protector doesn’t let your teak turn black or gray and lasts the entire season. Plus it provides 100% protection from the sun.
Nearly all teak that is treated with normal teak-oil, turns gray in 4 to 8 weeks. After that, the teak needs to be cleaned and oil reapplied. Three or four treatments may be needed to maintain the teak for an entire season, which can be a lot of work. Golden Teak Protector is not an organic product and therefore lasts much, much longer. Golden Teak Protector just brings out the colour of natural, clean teak and maintains it for a long, long time. Most teak sealers contain flammable ingredients that are dangerous for the environment. Soon it will be forbidden in Europe to stock and transport these types of sealers with wood due to the inherent fire hazard. Since Golden Teak Protector is 100% water-based it is naturally non-flammable and completely environment- friendly.
causing cracking and/or peeling. Coatings must be sanded to remove them, which makes maintenance burdensome. Also, teak garden furniture with shiny coatings on the teak doesn’t look natural. Since Golden Teak Protector penetrates into the pores of the teak, it becomes almost invisible: treated and protected teak looks as good as new natural teak.
Golden Teak Protector makes life easier because it preserves teak furniture, is easy to apply, and lasts much longer than ordinary teak sealers or teak-oils. Since Golden Teak Protector penetrates into the teak in less than an hour, your clothes stay clean when sitting on your teak furniture, unlike oil products that may puddle and get on clothes.
Golden Teak Protector generally lasts for the entire season without turning black or gray. The duration depends upon factors such as exposure to the sun, humidity, rain, the age of the teak, and some other factors. Golden Teak Protector is water-based.
Although Golden Teak Protector is water-based it dries quickly. This means that furniture can be used within a few hours.
Golden Teak Protector may affect grass, plants and some types of pavements. We recommend covering the work area with a disposable piece of plastic.
When Golden Teak Protector is completely dry, it will not react with water- based waxes. Only when solvents are present in the wax (e.g. acetone) some weakening and dissolving may occur.
Golden Teak Protector seals the wood and provides some protection, but not in such a way that on the long term food or oil are unable to penetrate. This type of protection requires the use of Golden Teak Shield.
Unlike oils and sealers, Golden Teak Protector hardly changes the colour of the teak after application. Teak-oils and/or sealers typically change the colour of teak to a darker brown or reddish orange tint. Golden Teak Protector reinforces the golden/honey colour and gives a beautiful end-result.
We recommend using a dust free cloth to apply a thin layer. Using a sponge or spray may result in overuse of the Protector which could result in slight cracking and/or blistering.
The best way to completely remove Golden Teak Protector is to completely sandpaper the teak, which can be rather time-consuming. We recommend using Golden Teak Protector on a small area first such as the back of a leg to judge if the treatment meets your expectations.
To use Golden Teak Protector on oil-treated wood, it should first be cleaned with Golden Teak Cleaner. Golden Teak Protector should never be applied directly to oiled teak, because it will “react” with the oil. This can result in severe discolouration.
You can, but it can leave the surface a bit rough resulting in a less appealing finish. We recommend removing the sawdust with a dry, rough cleaning sponge prior to treatment with Golden Teak Protector.
The black spots on teak are commonly mistaken for dirt getting stuck in the wood. However, the black spots on teak are actually mould and mildew which are growing in the wood and teak oil which was baked by the sun. Golden Teak Cleaner will remove any mould and mildew that may have accumulated. However, if teak-oil is used again the problem is likely to reoccur as the mould and mildew will have food again! Teak becomes gray because of Ultra-Violet rays from the sun. This process can be prevented by treating teak with Golden Teak Protector, which contains unique, expensive UV absorbers and reflectors.
Golden Teak Protector does not affect aluminum, brass or sling. However, to keep these materials clean, it is best you prevent contact with Teak Protector. If these parts come in contact with Protector they can be cleaned with water while the Protector is still wet.
TopGolden Teak Shield is a maintenance product for teak wood furniture based on synthetic polymers, which resist water and dirt. Golden Teak Shield slows the growth of algae and fungi. To maintain teak’s silver-gray colour for a long period of time, without getting green deposits, Golden Teak Shield should be used. Shield guarantees the typical light-gray patina of your furniture for a long time.
Teak Shield does not turn the light brown teak into silver-gray teak immediately. The Teak Shield slows down the colour change process. When teak turns silver-gray because of the UV sunlight, it then remains silver-gray for a very long time. Teak Shield helps to prevent teak furniture from turning from the silver- gray to the dark gray/green which can be a sign of fungus build up.
Leave your furniture outside for 4 to 8 weeks, so that it becomes a slightly pale yellow colour. Apply Golden Teak Shield according to the directions on the packaging
The teak furniture should be cleaned with Golden Teak Cleaner. This will remove the deposits from the teak and returns the wood to the original pale brown colour. Follow this with a treatment of Golden Teak Shield.
Golden Teak Shield has low acid content that does not affect aluminum, brass or sling
Shield may affect grass, plants and some types of pavements. We recommend covering the work area with a disposable piece of plastic
Golden Teak Shield is not hazardous. Since it is water-based, it is environmentally friendly product and 100% biodegradable. However, we do recommend avoiding eye and skin contact and using it in a well-ventilated area.
Ensure that the teak is 100% dry. Apply a layer of Golden Teak Shield using a soft lint-free cloth, and allow it to penetrate into the wood. Allow it to dry for 4 hours and apply a second coat. Allow the furniture to dry for 24 hours before exposing it to weather conditions.
Treating your furniture with Golden Teak Shield once a year is usually sufficient. Extreme green deposit can occur under some conditions, such as exposure to long periods of damp. In this case, it is advisable to apply Golden Teak Shield twice a year.
Teak Shield does not contain pigments, so the product is transparent. While Protector will leave a protective layer in the wood, the resin particles of the Shield do not form a film in the wood, but will adhere onto the wood- molecules rejecting moisture and dirt, so no mildew growth will occur. This results in a beautiful silver-gray patina.
It is possible to use TeakShield on Teak Protector. This will result in improved water repellency, but only for a rather short period of time, because the TeakShield cannot completely soak into the wood. This means that treatments need to be repeated more frequently.
This is not possible because Teak Shield does not allow the Teak Protector to soak into the wood.
TopTeakShield provides an almost invisible layer of protection on the surface of the wood that helps to prevent food stains (coffee, ketchup, red wine) from penetrating into teak wood. TeakShield also protects teak against moisture and adhesion of dirt and mildew growth, resulting in a natural silver patina gray colour.
Before using TeakShield on new teak, put the teak outside for one week. Follow the instructions for use.
Teak that has been weathered should be cleaned with Golden Teak Cleaner prior to applying TeakShield. If the teak feels a bit rough, it can be lightly sanded before treating with TeakShield. Additional instructions can be found on the bottle.
We recommend treating teak with TeakShield at least once per year. Tabletops should be treated more often, depending on the frequency of use.
It is possible to use TeakShield on Teak Protector. This will result in improved water repellency, but only for a rather short period of time, because the TeakShield cannot completely soak into the wood. This means that treatments need to be repeated more frequently.
This is not possible because TeakShield does not allow the Teak Protector to soak into the wood. This implicates that the treated teak first needs to be cleaned with Teak Cleaner, before the Teak Protector can be reapplied.
Although our Golden TeakShield is water-based, it dries quickly. The polymer ingredients in TeakShield interact with the wood-fibers causing TeakShield to break down rapidly. After the first layer is applied, four hours are needed before applying a second coating. Humid climates may require a slightly longer drying time. After the second layer, 48 hours should pass before the furniture is used. Since TeakShield reacts with moisture in the air, the reaction will be completed approximately one week after application.
Golden Teak Cleaner will remove TeakShield. If needed, the wood can be sanded after drying.
TopTeak is a light, honey-brown coloured hardwood. There are also other kinds of hardwoods. All our teak care products may also be used for all light-brown coloured hardwoods (e.g. Iroko, Yellow Balau, Keruing). Some hardwoods, like Meranti, Jarrah, Nyatoh or Red Balau, are not light brown, but dark-brown or red-brownish. For these hardwoods we recommend the use of our dark-brown coloured Hardwood Protector instead of our light-brown coloured Teak Protector. Off course the other teak care products (Teak Cleaner, Teak Shield and TeakShield) are suitable for these dark-brown hardwoods